Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Super blessed! Forever grateful!

On this date- 22nd of Nov 2016 God answered one of my biggest prayers, I thought it will never happen but after 5 years God gave me permanent position in Abbott with family benefits (how cool is that!) 
So what went wrong, why it took God 5 long years to give it to me... First, I don't believe in myself that much, that I am capable and I am worthy to be permanent. Second, I did not open myself to God's overflowing blessings sincee I was blocking it in my subconscious mind, I had limiting beliefs. Third, I did not trust God 100%...
So, what went right? I do the opposite of the above negative and limiting beliefs... I changed my words, I changed my thoughts, I became grateful for all the things I had, I have and will have. I imagined myself receiving the permanent contract ( using law of attraction), I gave positive talk to myself, I increased my self worth, I prayed more, I prayed the rosary almost everyday, I prayed the novena to St. Jude, I go to the adoration more often, I prayed to St. Anthony (one of my favorite saints) and most of all I believed in my prayers and in my family's prayers that God will answer it in His perfect time...
Now, I pray that God will give me a generous heart to give to those in need(deservingly) without expecting anything in return. That me and My family will be able to enjoy His reaches in accordance to His will and that I may be able to give back what is due to Him. 
I am forever grateful!
I am a blessing magnet!
I am God's beloved!
I am God's powerful champion!
I am forever blessed!
I am a blessing to the world!